Habari mpya


 Image result for mother day
In many western countries, today is Mother's Day.This is a special day to remember, to recognize and appreciate your mother's contribution in your life. This is the western culture that is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. as well as our African countries.This is not to say that in other days you do not remember it, do not recognize or disrespect your mother's contribution.How! Everyday, for many, it's a mother's day. For us Africans are absolutely. Why does it mean our Whose tongue as a mother?

Use this day to remember your mom. If unfortunately she has already passed away, then take a special time to remember, pray for her and more importantly to do it. If you are around your mom, then kiss her and remind her that you love her and wish her all the best in her life.
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It is also important to keep in mind that, as human beings, it occurs sometimes misunderstanding between us. Well, this may happen also with our mothers! If that is the case , use this day to have apology with your parent.One of the best way to forgive is to ask yourself the question: Is there any benefit of having  this com,flicts? .
In celebrating this day, we have selected a special song from the Tanzania musician, Banana Zoro. The song is called "Mama yangu" a swahili word mean "My mother'. This is a special song for all mothers. We have our mother, we love and appreciate them. Without them the world is not the world.

Click on the player below to enjoy the dedication song, listen to the message in the song.Happy Mother's Day!  I love you so much mom.

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