Habari mpya


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DR John Pombe Joseph Magufuli was born on October 29, 1959. He started his education at Chato Primary School from 1967 to 1984 and went on to Katoke Seminary in Biharamulo for his secondary education from 1975 to 1977 before relocating to Lake Secondary School in 1977 and completing in 1978.He joined Mkwawa High School for his A levels in 1979 and completed 1981 and that same year he joined Mkwawa College of Education for a Diploma in Education (Sc.) Chemistry, Mathematics and Education. In 1985 he was enrolled at the University of Dar es Salaam where he graduated and earned a Bachelor of Education. In Chemistry and Mathematics in 1988 and went to earn a Masters Degree in Chemistry from both the Universities of Dar es Salaam and Salford in the UK in 1994.
 He currently holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Dar es Salaam. Dr Magufuli has also held various posts and he is currently the also Co-chair World Urban Forum with UN-HABITAT (III) since 2006 and a member of Tanzania Chemical Society from 1993 to date.
.He has been a Member of Parliament (MP) for three terms, that is 2010 - 2015, 2005 - 2010 and 2000 - 2005 and has been a member of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) since 1977.
He has held various ministerial positions such as Minister of Works, the position that he took up since May 4, 2012 until October 30, 2015 Other ministries he has served are Fisheries and Livestock Development, Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development. He had also worked as the Deputy Minister for Works.
He has authored various publications including: Mulokozi A. M.; Akwilapo, L.D.: Buchweishaija, J.; Magufuli J. P., and Kyobe, J. Securing the Mechanism of the Decomposition of CaCO3 by the Thermodynamics of the Reaction¿, East and Southern Africa Environmental Chemistry Workshop, pp 71-83, 1st 5th December 2003, Dar es Salaam. Magufuli, J. P., Funding requirements for the EAC Road network project the East African Community Roads Development partners Consultative meeting 29th  30th April, 2003 Arusha Tanzania.Image result for magufuli
On October 25,2015 during Tanzania general election Dr. John Pombe Magufuli was appointed as the 5th president of Republic of Tanzania in more than 50% under ruling party” Chama Cha Mapinduzi”, (ccm) against other candidates from opposition parties.
President Magufuli seem to have strong development policies during his election campaign as he promised Tanzanian to build a strong and independent economy base depend on Tanzania own resources such as natural energy like gas to be used in reformation of dead industries in Tanga, Morogoro and Kilimanjaro regions where Tanzania farmers expect to be benefited mostly as their agricultural raw materials could be sold in good prices to feed the industries as well as overcome the chronic challenge of mono culture economy which is dominant problem in economic development of Tanzania to depend massive goods from outsiders rather than domestic goods due to the scarcity of internal industries hence Tanzanian decided to appoint Dr. Magufuli as president.
In his campaign session Dr. Magufuli used persuasive convincing power to build trustful among Tanzanian through his famous slogan “HAPA KAZI TU” which motivated most of voters to vote massively to him compare to his experience of strong decisions and hard working when he was minister of works during previous session of former president Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.
Dr. Magufuli also promised to deal with corruption and misuse of public funds in satisfactory manner as Tanzanian are real tied of scandals concerning embezzlement of public finance and properties occurred massively in previous governments including shocking scandals such as “ TEGETA ESCROW” and ”EPA” where billions of public funds bribed thus why he appointed as the president of Tanzania republic as the believable leader to eradicate this dominant catalyst.
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As the speed of president Magufuli in his session of presidential task Tanzania expect high changes and positive impacts from him after being doing a wonderful revolutions within one month where he has abolished celebration of independence day know as “UHURU DAY” where government used to spend a lot of public funds to celebrate the day while majority survive in extreme poverty instead honorable president Magufuli has used such amount of money to construct double roads from Mwenge to Morocco in Kinondoni municipal, Dar es salaam where traffic jam is dominant disaster.
Moreover, Dr. Magufuli started to erase and fire out irresponsible civil servants, corrupter and non-revenue payable in different organizations and institutions where trillions of money has collected from them, it is green light that president John Pombe Magufuli is suitable and potential leader who has been admired and needed by Tanzanian for long time of misery since 1961 when Tanganyika got her flag independent from British colonialist while economically, socially and politically still controlled.

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